Ice Races Postponed: no race today

The lakes are frozen up solid, but they're covered in standing water from this freakish warm weather thaw. Looks like we may see the race occur in a couple of weeks if we have anything resembling a normal winter between now and then.

Annual Meeting Imminent

Just a reminder, tomorrow (January 28) is the MBPA Annual Meeting & pizza feed at the Sibley Bike Depot. Email Stephen to RSVP so we know how much food to order. Dinner bell at 6:00, meeting at 7:00. We won't even force you to stick around that long if you don't want to, but it would be nice of you to stay. See you there.

Snowball's Chance in Hell Formula Ice Race and Snowy Dash for Cold Hard Cash

The forecast is looking good for the HPVA race this Saturday.

For another chance to ice bike, Surly's hosting a get-together on February 11. See their blog for details.

Bring more pets!

Some customers brought their adorable bulldog into the shop last night. It was great seeing a dog at the Depot. Hey, if you've got a pet that can accompany you downtown, come on in to the shop and spread the love. I'd like to see more dogs in the shop especially. That's just me, though, I don't know the building policy or anything. Anyway, yeah, more friendly and well-behaved animal visitors, please.

Here's a nice flyer for a bike sale

Watch out for this man if you're biking in Portland

He will attack cyclists. Here's the full story. (link via gundog99)


Fat Cyclist has photos of the Hirondelle Retro-Directe, rocking the two-freehub no-rear-derailleur reverse-pedalling drivetrain system John was talking about earlier. I couldn't visualize it before, but now I see it, it's a thing of beauty. We are totally building one of these for the shop, John.

R.I.P. John Sinibaldi

Mr. Sinibaldi was an Olympic cyclist who kept on riding almost until the end. He died in his sleep on Tuesday.
Sinibaldi almost always rode home after breakfast. That day, he asked his son to drive him home.
"That's when I knew something was really wrong," the younger Sinibaldi said Tuesday.
See also a photo of his bike at the Fixed Gear Gallery.

Winter Open hours

The shop is open for business again, so stop on by at the following times:

Monday Volunteer Night: 6pm - 8:30pm
Wednesday Volunteer Night: 6pm - 8:30pm
Saturday: 10:30am - 1:00pm

R.I.P. Isai Mendina

A Chicago Rat Patrol member was hit by a car and killed while standing on the sidewalk with his bike.

Critical Mass

Minneapolis Critical Mass Ride this Friday, January 6, 2006.
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Meet at Loring Park in Minneapolis at 5 p.m. to ride at about 5:30.

Annual letters

Our yearly mailing is going out tomorrow, so if you're a member or we got a hold of your address somehow, then you can be watching your mailbox for that.